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Mission, Vision & Values

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Our Mission

Our Mission is to be the most distinguished Shipping Company that offers exemplary maritime-related services and Dry Bulk Ocean Transportation solutions founded on flexibility, reliability, transparency and safety. We also create value for our stakeholders and the local community by being a sustainable shipping company that leads in quality, innovation and efficiency.

We at Eastmen strive to consistently push industry standards of operational efficiency & safety and offering the most cost-effective solutions while ensuring zero incidents, zero spills and no harm to the environment, human health or property.

Our Vision

Our vision is to expand our horizons and penetrate & establish our foothold in new markets worldwide by forging strategic partnerships & alliances. We cast our vision forward as the shipping company of the future by seeing change as an opportunity to explore new frontiers, embrace the latest technologies and quickly adapt to the everchanging maritime landscape.

Whether it’s solving today’s challenges or exploring opportunities to shape the future, we will strive to improve & innovate to connect and simplify global logistics to ensure it works better for businesses, our society and our planet.

We Will Help You Every Step Of The Way

Eastmen Shipping. brings together an exclusive fleet of modern dry bulk Handysize vessels featuring state of the art equipment and the latest breakthroughs in the shipping industry.

what we are

Our Values

It has been a long and successful journey, there were a few values which reflected our beliefs & business principles that we laid down at the very beginning. We felt very strongly about these values and still do. Our values reflect the Eastmen way of life, business & culture. They are cornerstones that are at the core of everything we do. Our values tell a story about our roots, define who we are, and act as our internal compass as we push boundaries to deliver the best-in-class maritime solutions to our customers. Our day-to-day work, business strategy, every decision and company policy are steered by these values. Everyone in the Eastmen family lives by these principles.

Be Proactive

The maritime industry and the needs of our customers are everchanging. In a nutshell, we are ALWAYS ON! This agile and entrepreneurial mindset directly translates to being focused, innovative, curious, open-minded and totally in control of every situation to stay ahead of the game.

We will go all the way and leave no stone unturned to get to the heart of our customers’ maritime needs and challenges. We take initiative, invest in insights, listen actively and encourage creativity, new ideas & perspectives. We constantly look for better solutions and ways to improve our operational efficiency & safety. We are nimble in our decision-making, quick to act on areas of improvement and embrace the latest technologies.


Our word is our bond. We do the right thing, even when it’s hard. We at Eastmen are customer-centric externally and collaboration-oriented internally. We promote transparency, honesty, and ethos & abide by the code of ethics within the Eastmen ecosystem and also while interacting with our customers.


The Eastmen name is a commitment to excellence and trust. Eastmen is committed to promoting responsible practices within our sphere of influence as global integrators. We are deeply committed to establishing and nurturing mutually beneficial, long-term, and transparent relationships with our customers and strategic partners.


Our customers can rely on us to keep our promises and deliver on time, every time. We demonstrate accountability, and consistency in all our business transactions and we strive every day to earn the trust of our partners and customers. We strongly believe that by providing an environment where our workforce feels valued, empowered and safe, we create opportunities to grow and push boundaries. Everyone in our family is an ambassador representing and upholding the reputation of the Eastmen name, striving for a more sustainable, inclusive and integrated world.


For all of us at Eastmen, sustainability is an integral part of becoming an industry leader. It is anchored in our purpose and business strategy. We firmly believe that economic, social and environmental responsibility can’t be separated. Real value can only be created through logistical solutions that are democratized, digitized and most importantly decarbonized.
"They always say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.”
Andy Warhol